Dothraki in Arabic

Taking a break from grammar, I thought I’d write up a little guide about how to write Dothraki using the Arabic script. It’s actually mostly written up, so all I have to do is transfer it over to the blog (heh, heh…). Of course, one might wonder: Why would I already have a guide for… Continue reading Dothraki in Arabic

Modern Terminology

I’m back home from Albuquerque, and finally getting back into the swing of things. I don’t have any pictures of me presenting (I was presenting), but here’s an awesome picture of me with Sean Endymion from the University of Texas, San Antonio. He’s got “Valar Morghulis” and “Valar Dohaeris” tattoed on his arms: Pretty cool!… Continue reading Modern Terminology


That’s the word for “frustration”. This darn blog loads too slowly! I really like my WordPress theme and what I’ve done with it (this blog, essentially, looks just the way I want it to), but, you know what they say: athdikar assila athozhokwazar. As a result, I’m writing this otherwise contentless post to ask: Is… Continue reading Athahhaqar