
I’ve got this terrible headache right now (and an ankle ache), so in order to distract myself, I’ve decided to talk about some of Dothraki’s pain vocabulary. This should work, right? Let’s start in the most obvious place: the root nith. This root is most closely associated with “pain” in Dothraki. As an adjective, nith… Continue reading Ughhh…

Dothraki on The Office

If you happened to be watching NBC’s Thursday night line-up yesterday, you will have seen Dwight Schrute teaching Erin Hannon Dothraki on The Office. For real! I’d heard a rumor about this before the episode aired, but didn’t realize the extent to which it’s used in the B-story. If you missed it, you can (provided… Continue reading Dothraki on The Office

Asshekhqoyi Vezhvena Save!

Yes. It’s that time again. No, not time for Week 3 of the NFL season or another NHL lockout: It’s time for our own khaleesi Daenerys’s birthday. Asshekhqoyi vezhvena, zhey khaleesi! I couldn’t get you a dragon, because, well, you have them all, so here are some words (along with audio files) to fill in… Continue reading Asshekhqoyi Vezhvena Save!


M’athchomaroon. Just a quick note to let folks know that Redditor shanoxilt has started up a Dothraki language subreddit. You can find it here: If you’re familiar with Reddit, go check it out! If you’re not familiar with Reddit, it may take some getting used to before you can feel comfortable participating (I’m like… Continue reading Dothreddit

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Vaes Chafi

I’m back from Chicago and an excellent WorldCon. I’d never really been to Chicago before (just its airport), so this was my first trip to the city, and I have to say: I was mightily impressed. What a city! I didn’t manage to see a Cubs game or get to the lake shore (construction), but… Continue reading Vaes Chafi


That’s my nearest approximation of “quick hits”. A chiftikh is a word for a strike (with a blade) that we might describe as a “glancing blow” in English—a nick. Only a flesh wound. A friend of mine—and one of the Old Guard conlangers—Barry Garcia has taken recently to conscripting (minus the conlanging), and this past… Continue reading Chiftikh