Today’s Blood

The time has come to call a close to this year’s Dothraki haiku competition. Nice job this year! Too good, in fact. It was really hard to choose a winner. I’d feel more conflicted if winning came with any sort of prize. Thank goodness it doesn’t! I received eleven haiku, all intriguing. Since there were… Continue reading Today’s Blood

Azho Anni Ha Yeraan

A fellow conlanger (Scott Hamilton, creator of the Riddlesbrood language) sent some pictures my way of some new Dothraki jewelry. Sunnie Larsen and Marcos Duran got each other a joint anniversary present pictured below: The bracelets say “zhey jalan atthirari anni” (hers) and “zhey shekh ma shieraki anni” (his). Very nice! They came from Etsy… Continue reading Azho Anni Ha Yeraan

Winter Goat 2012

After poring over several thousand copies of the eight goat pictures I received, I have settled upon four candidates that have earned the right to claim the title “Winter Goat, 2012”! Those images, submitted by readers of this blog, are presented below: (Note: The live goat pictures from above come from the Sierra Safari Zoo… Continue reading Winter Goat 2012