Sasquan is coming up, and I’ll be there! Here is my schedule: We Won: How SF, Fantasy and Comics Have Taken Over TV Time/Place: Thursday, August 20, 5:00 p.m., Bays 111B Description: Not very long ago it was hard to find any SF on TV, let alone good SF. But today, every night has multiple… Continue reading Sasquan
Tag: travel
Notas Shekhaan…
…majin zanissho varthasi irge yeri. That was the phrase I was asked to translate for a tattoo by Youyou. The French she gave me was Tourne toi vers le soleil et l’ombre sera derrière toi, which I translated as, “Turn yourself towards the sun and the shadows will be behind you” (I suppose it technically… Continue reading Notas Shekhaan…
Firesof athvezhvenari! Happy New Year! 2014 was a pretty swell year for Dothraki, as it saw the publication of Living Language Dothraki, the official introductory guide to the language, but onward we ride! To start the new year off, I thought I’d go back and do a post I’ve been wanting to do for some… Continue reading Lirisir
Ma Yer Ashili Mae Ki Shirani Moon
It’s been a heck of a month for Living Language Dothraki. It made the Los Angeles Times’ best sellers’ list, so that’s cool! I’ve been all over the country talking about Dothraki, and I got really sick at the tail end of the journey. And speaking of tails… Winter Goat is getting ready to make… Continue reading Ma Yer Ashili Mae Ki Shirani Moon
Chafka Jinne!
Living Language Dothraki is officially on sale today! You can buy it at any bookstore, or go to the official site to buy it here. I got mine in the mail last week. The feeling is pretty overwhelming. A lot of folks worked very hard on this, and a lot of stuff happened behind the… Continue reading Chafka Jinne!
Dothraki: Coming to a Store Near You
Living Language Dothraki is going on sale October 7th! And in addition to that, I will be going around talking about the new book in various parts of the country over the next few months. Mark your calendars, if you happen to live near New York City, LA, the Bay Area, Las Vegas, Denver or… Continue reading Dothraki: Coming to a Store Near You