As we near the day of Winter Goat (goat pictures! Send them!), I thought it would be fun to do the old “Twelve Days of Christmas” in Dothraki. I thought I’d do this with twelve days to go until Christmas, but then I forgot to do it, so instead, here’s all twelve days! Of course,… Continue reading Akatthi Asshekhi
Tag: Living Language
Ma Yer Ashili Mae Ki Shirani Moon
It’s been a heck of a month for Living Language Dothraki. It made the Los Angeles Times’ best sellers’ list, so that’s cool! I’ve been all over the country talking about Dothraki, and I got really sick at the tail end of the journey. And speaking of tails… Winter Goat is getting ready to make… Continue reading Ma Yer Ashili Mae Ki Shirani Moon
Chafka Jinne!
Living Language Dothraki is officially on sale today! You can buy it at any bookstore, or go to the official site to buy it here. I got mine in the mail last week. The feeling is pretty overwhelming. A lot of folks worked very hard on this, and a lot of stuff happened behind the… Continue reading Chafka Jinne!
Chafka Jada
A lot of people have been asking me over the years, “When will there be a book on Dothraki?” My response to this has always been, “Yeah! When will there be a book on Dothraki?!” Because I’ve long wanted for there to be a teach yourself guide on Dothraki—maybe something with exercises, grammar explanations, dialogues,… Continue reading Chafka Jada