Asshekhqoyi Anni Save…Save…Save!

Today is my birthday once again; I’m now 34 years old. Since there are no snappy songs associated with the number 34, I think it’s about time for me to stop announcing my age… (Well, except Charles Barkley’s number was 34 on the Suns). I received a nice gift from a fellow conlanger, Andrew Gerber,… Continue reading Asshekhqoyi Anni Save…Save…Save!


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Firesof athvezhvenari! Happy New Year! 2014 was a pretty swell year for Dothraki, as it saw the publication of Living Language Dothraki, the official introductory guide to the language, but onward we ride! To start the new year off, I thought I’d go back and do a post I’ve been wanting to do for some… Continue reading Lirisir

Ma Yer Ashili Mae Ki Shirani Moon

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It’s been a heck of a month for Living Language Dothraki. It made the Los Angeles Times’ best sellers’ list, so that’s cool! I’ve been all over the country talking about Dothraki, and I got really sick at the tail end of the journey. And speaking of tails… Winter Goat is getting ready to make… Continue reading Ma Yer Ashili Mae Ki Shirani Moon